Supply Chain Transaction Data Imports

Here you will find definitions for all mapping options in Phenix’s various Supply Chain Transaction Data Imports.

All imports in this section share the same mapping options. The general definitions are below, and more specific definitions follow those as needed.

General Definitions

Material Identifier: The ID of the material being affected.

Quantity Value: The amount of the material in the transaction.

Quantity Units: The unit of the material in the transaction.

Date: The date the transaction applies/is needed.

Site: The location affected by the element.

Record Identifier: Optional. Advanced. The ID Phenix will use to identify the record. Specifying this will force Phenix to update the record with that ID, if it exists. Generally not used.

Notes: Optional. Available in the Forecast, Transfer, Production, Inventory, and All Demand and Supply Elements imports. A text field for anything that should be kept track of my the scheduler in Phenix.

Specific Definition/Clarifications

Purchase Orders Import

Vendor: Optional. The source the is material is purchase from. Takes the place of the “Notes” mapping option of the other Supply Chain Transaction imports.

Customer Orders Import

Date: The due date of this order.

Customer: Optional. The customer who placed the order. Takes the place of the “Notes” mapping option of the other Supply Chain Transaction imports.


Quantity Value: The amount of inventory of the material. Inventory will be shown as this amount combined with the amount produced before this, either from the schedule or from the “Production” import option.

All Demand and Supply Elements

This option allows for the import of multiple supply chain transaction types at once, with one import.

Type: The element being imported. Chosen from: Inventory, Production, Forecast, Transfer, Purchase Order, Customer Order.