Importing Materials With Orders

Phenix allows the import of new materials via the Order Import. This sub-import is more limited than the Material Import, but can be more efficient depending on your situation.

What does your Order Import file have to include?

  1. The material attributes for your materials.

  2. Each row/order in your file with the same material must contain the same material attribute values as each other.

    1. This means one row/order can’t have a blank value in a material attribute column if another row/order with the same material has a value in that column.

  3. If Material Type is given, the type must already exist.

How do I Import Materials Within the Order Import?

The process is largely the same as described in, with a couple additional steps:

When mapping columns, you must also map the material values to be imported.

Screenshot of mapping step page.

To map the material’s description, please make sure you select “Material Description” from the mapping options. The option “Description” is the order description.

If the material attributes for the materials already exist in Phenix, they are listed in the mapping options as Material “[Attribute Name]”.

If you wish to create a new material attribute as part of this load, select New Material Attribute from the mapping options. The option New Attribute would create a new order attribute, not a new material attribute.

After mapping, on the options page, ensure the Create materials that do not already exist, checkbox is selected. If any material options other than the material identifier is selected, the box will be checked automatically.

Screenshot of Options step page, with the Create Materials button already selected.

From here, the process is the same as importing orders as normal.

If there is a conflict with the material sub-import, and the material is new, then the order will also be created as a conflict. After resolving the material conflict, you can then resolve the order conflict.