Unit Conversion Import

Here you will find definitions for all mapping options in Phenix’s Unit Conversion Import. If materials can be considered in multiple units (i.e. cases and pallets), then it is strongly recommended a unit conversion is created between the two.

Phenix can do multiple step conversions. For example, if there is a conversion between “kilograms” and “cases”, and a conversion between “cases” and “pallets”, Phenix can convert from “kilograms” to “pallets” without needing a conversion between them.

Unit conversions can be general (no material specified) or specific (material specified). A specific conversion will override a general conversion.

For more information on unit conversion, see Maintain Units of Measure (UoM).


From Unit: The unit converted from.

To Unit: The unit converted to.

Ratio: The amount of “from unit” equal to 1 “to unit”.

Conversion Identifier: Optional. Advanced. The ID Phenix uses internally to identify the conversion. Specifying this will force Phenix to update the conversion with that ID, if it exists. Generally not used.

Material Identifier: Optional. The material this conversion applies to. Overrides a conversion between the same units that does not specify a material.