Committing the Schedule


To commit or confirm that the short-term horizon of the schedule is ready for execution by the shop floor and should no longer be rescheduled.

Committing an order is not permanent; orders can be uncommitted at any time. For more information, see the work instruction Unscheduling and Uncommitting Orders.


Schedule Created.

Committed Warning Message

Phenix allows you to configure a committed zone and expects that orders inside this zone should be committed.  The order's scheduling icon will turn red and a warning message will be generated.


  1. In the left-side menu, under “General”, click “Home”, and select the line for which you want to schedule orders.

  2. Select the order(s) to be committed. For selecting multiple orders, see Multi-Select.

  3. Click on “Commit” to the right of the selected order(s).

  4. The order icon will change to green and say “committed”.