Unscheduling and Uncommiting Orders


To uncommit or unschedule orders so that they can be automatically rescheduled, deleted, or changed by Phenix.


Schedule Created.


  1. In the left-side menu, under “General”, click “Home”, and select the line for which you want to schedule orders.

  2. Select the order or orders. To learn how to select multiple orders, see Multi-Select.

  3. Click on “Uncommit” to the right of the selected order(s) to uncommit. Click on “Unschedule” to unschedule.

    1. Orders must be uncommitted before they can be unscheduled.

  4. The order icon for uncommitted orders will change to “scheduled”. Depending on its location in the schedule there may be warning messages associated with it.

  5. The order icon for unscheduled orders will change to “unscheduled”. Depending on its location in the schedule there may be warning messages associated with it.