Wheels Import

Here you will find definitions for all mapping options in Phenix’s Wheels Import. If you have a wheel external to Phenix you would like to use, this is where you import it. Note that the imported wheel will overwrite the active wheel for the line. Also note that importing a wheel will not create a Wheel Session for use of the wheel designer. If you wish to view the wheel in the wheel designer, select “Create Session from Current Wheels” in the “Wheels” section under “General” in Phenix’s left hand menu.

Wheel import assumes the data is given with cycles grouped and materials within cycles in wheel order. Import will fail if cycles are interspersed with each other.

For more info on the Product Wheels concept, see Product Wheels. For more on Phenix’s Product Wheel Designer, see Product Wheel Designer.

Cycle #: The numerical value of the cycle.

Line Identifier: The line the wheel applies to.

Material Identifier: The material in the wheel.