Maintain Material Types


Material types define the Attributes and their order for a Material. 

You can change the sequence in which the attributes appear when creating or maintaining a Material Type.

For example, a food product might require attributes for its ingredients and allergens, a bottle might require attributes for its shape and size, a closure might require attributes for its material and color.


The Material Attributes to be used must first be created.  See Maintain Attributes for more information.

Assigning Material Types

The material type is assigned to a Material by the user when it is created or maintained.  Entering or changing the material type causes the appropriate attributes for the material type to be displayed in the Material create/edit window in the specified sequence.  See Maintain Materials for more information.


  1. Click on the menu path Setup > Materials.

    Screenshot of Phenix's left-side menu Setup section, with Materials link highlighted.
  2. This is the Materials page.

    Screenshot of Materials page.
  3. Click on Material Types to go to the Material Types screen.

  4. To create a new Material Type, click Create.

  5. To edit an existing Material Type, click Edit in the right “Actions” column of the Material Type’s entry.

    1. Whether creating or editing a Material Type, nearly identical windows will open. See Create or Edit a Material Type below.

  6. To delete an existing Material Type, click in the right “Actions” column of the Material Type’s entry.

Creating or Editing a Material Type

  1. Enter the name of the Material Type in the textbox. Examples include Frozen, Dry, Canned, Bottle, etc.

  2. Click Add Attribute to add an Attribute to the Material Type. Select a desired attribute from the drop-down list of previously created Attributes.

  3. Repeat to add all desired Attributes to the Material Type.

  4. Once all Attributes have been added, they can be resequenced by clicking the next to the Attribute and moving it to the desired spot.

    1. Note: The order the Attributes are displayed here is the order they will appear when creating or editing a Material of this Type.

  5. To delete an Attribute from the Material Type, click next to the Attribute.

  6. Click Save when you are finished.